Bridget Reily’s works always seem to astound me, and attract me. I have been a huge fan of her paintings and drawings for more than three years now. And it feels that each year, I grow to appreciate her more and more.
Her cleaver and hypnotic transformation of 2D surfaces into 3D endless voids, almost seems trivial. As the simplicity of her approach; an intelligent use of contrasting simple graphic shapes is so powerfully effective. The viewer is immersed into a space with no limits, as the lines, spots or shapes disappear into the apparent black-hole situated in the painting.
What many people may not know about Reily, is that she was very instrumental in developing the current Copy Right, and Intellectual Property Laws which protect many artists today. During the 60s, her highly graphic works alongside the sudden surge in fast-fashion, caused many of her pieces to be excessively reproduced within the design industry; without her permission. Causing Reily to fight for her intellectual property and thus establishing Copy Rights.
In my opinion, Reily has true artistry not only in her modern aesthetical style, but also in her ability to bridge Art and Design successfully.
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